The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

Andy Jones-Wilkins on his column AJW’s Taproom for iRunFar: 

The year 2023 was quite a year in the world of ultramarathoning, and I fully expect 2024 to be yet another eventful year.

His list includes:

  • Growth of Mom and Pop Events
  • Professionalization of Ultramarathon Coaching
  • Large Sponsorship Deals
  • Extreme Weather Events
  • Growth in the Popularity of 200-Mile and Longer Races

I’ll add a couple of my own:

  • Live streaming will have a breakout moment – Either with a massive TV deal or in some other way that it becomes must-watch “TV”.
  • Some pro will announce an eye-raising sponsorship deal. Jim to Nike?
  • UTMB/Ironman will announce more locations that will make North American runners mad.
  • The UTMB Finals in Chamonix will go down in two ways: Either all the pros will show up anyways, or we will see some runner we’ve never heard of take home the crown and that will give the pros major FOMO and they all will sign up for the big dance next year again.