The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

Hoka Golden Ticket Races

The full list of ’23/’24 Western States Golden Ticket races from around the world, in one manageable spreadsheet.

Link to Google spreadsheet

V1. Updated 30 Dec 2023

A few words explaining each column:

  • MONTH/DATES: These are the dates for the 2023/2024 qualifying events. This will change from year to year and I will update as new dates become available. That’s why I chose to keep the months separate to give people an easy idea of what time of year the event is happening.
  • NAME: I left the ‘By UTMB’ off all the names… yes, you’re welcome. Please don’t sue me UTMB, by UTMB.
  • DISTANCE: On this calendar I only listed the one race distance that is actually the Golden Ticket event, while most events are offering multiple distances over the course of the weekend.
  • COUNTRY: Country where the race is held. Some events can cross country borders.
  • CITY: This could be the finish or start city, but I added it as an approximation if you’re looking for flights to a nearby city.
  • WEBSITE: Linked directly to the race events website.
  • NOTES: I will update the list as anything new is announced by Western States and Hoka.

Change Log:

V1: Original list of races added to the spreadsheet and published. – 30 Dec 2023