The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

One, of the most expensive trail race in the world, Destination Trail’s Moab 240 opened registration for their lottery a couple of days ago. Cost of the entry fee: $2055.30 (including UltraSignup fees).

  • That’s $8.56 per mile (race is 240 miles long)
  • or $137 per aid station (there are 15 full aid stations, that’s about 1 every 16 miles)
  • and $17.56 for each hour (if you spend the max time of 117hrs on the trails)

I’m not listing these numbers to shame the race organization for their choice to charge the amount they do. Clearly the’ve created an event that costly to run, is in high demand, and sells out year after year. But, it is incredible nonetheless that these 200 mile events are becoming so popular when the prices for a “week of summer camp for adults” are reaching these heights.