The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

Edward Helmore for The Guardian:

The US Forest Service is firing about 3,400 recent hires while the National Park Service is terminating about 1,000 workers under Donald Trump’s push to cut federal spending and bureaucracy, according to a report on Friday.

This is only exasperating the challenges for our public lands, and clearly Musk/Trump aren’t interested in “saving money” or “streamlining bureaucracy” their end goal is to sell off the lands. These agencies are already operating on a shoestring budget and can’t keep up with the workload. There’s no magic “business mind that will walk in and solve the problem”. Their idea of problem solving is for the Federal Government to not be involved in recreation and preservation efforts at all. I don’t have an answer on how to combat this, hope that for this year we’ll still be able to get our events permits and then afterwards how knows. This ain’t pretty, but in the grand scheme of things is also not the worst they have done so far, or will do. Brace for impact.