The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

Snowdonia seems to have been an absolutely brutal race with their UTS 100M marquee event posting a 41% finisher rate. Ouch. Here are their equally brutal numbers:

  • UTS (168km) Starters: 231, DNF: 136, Finishers: 95 – 8 women, 8%
  • UTS (103km) Starters: 618, DNF: 221, Finishers: 397 – 53 women, 13%
  • UTS (55km) Starters: 1126, DNF: 252, Finishers: 875 – 183 women, 21%
  • ERYRI (25km) Starters: 449, DNF: 22, Finishers: 427 – 168 women, 39%

Snowdonia in Wales is the UK’s only UTMB race and saw 1794 finishers, 412 were women. That’s just barely 23%. That’s one of the lowest numbers I’ve recorded since tracking.

Another fun side fact is that this race was held in a National Park and invited thousands of runners. Something like this we’d never see in the US.