The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

Nick Cornell on his blog in response to and inspired by Tara Dower’s “record-breaking deal“:

The problem I have is with Altra calling their own deal huge and record breaking while not releasing the actual financial details. If you’re going to claim something as groundbreaking you need to provide tangible facts so I can decide for myself. I don’t listen to the landlord who tells me his rental unit is light filled and spacious. No, I go to that apartment and I decide for myself. I don’t believe the company that is offering me a competitive wage. No, I specifically ask them what the wage is and what benefits they are offering me so I can decide for myself. You don’t get to toot your own horn about a shrouded contract.

Exactly. And:

I truly believe these NDAs will not be around forever. It’ll take one or two brands to move against the norms and start openly disclosing what they are paying their athletes. This is an incredible marketing opportunity. One company gets to be the leader in contract openness within trail running. That’s a once in a lifetime industry marketing opportunity. I certainly think this will come from a smaller brand. Large corporations will take too long to pivot their policies on something like this.

Alright, what brand/or athlete will be the first to open the doors?