America's only certified Skyrace course. Race Beast of Big Creek on Mt. Ellinor in Hoodsport, WA on Aug 3rd, 2024.

America's only certified Skyrace course. Race Beast of Big Creek on Mt. Ellinor in Hoodsport, WA on Aug 3rd, 2024.

So many awesome things about this Swiss website ‘Bankgeheimnisse’:

For one: The website lists benches along hiking trails all over the Swiss Alps… and beyond. I mean, this is an incredibly fun idea. Who doesn’t love a good bench to sit on? (Am I getting old?) I often find myself running along trails in our woods and wish folks would put up more benches. Sometimes they are good for just the obvious: taking a seat. But sometimes they are that focual point you can use to stop at to take off your jacket, or readjust your vest, or tighten your shoes. Benches are a great reminder that you’re not alone out there in these wild – I know some go out there to be alone – but for me it’s a nice reminder of our collective humanity.

The other awesome thing is the name. In German, the word bench translates to bank, the same word for, well, a bank you deposit your money at. Why? No idea. Perhaps taking a rest and depositing your money has some similar connotations. Either way. The name of the website, a website from Switzerland, a country known for its banking secrecy, is … bench secrets. “where the secret benches are hidden”. But, because the word for bench is the same for bank and bench… well, you get. Brilliant word play.