Olympia Trailfest
March 14-16, 2025 - Join us in Olympia to celebrate trail running. Race LBA and enjoy the Trail Running Film Festival at the Capitol Theater... and so much more.

Olympia Trailfest
March 14-16, 2025 - Join us in Olympia to celebrate trail running. Race LBA and enjoy the Trail Running Film Festival at the Capitol Theater... and so much more.

Some brands sponsor races, some brands put on entire race series (Salomon Golden Trail Series), some brands sponsor athletes to let them wear their gear at prominent races and there’s this. Lululemon must’ve asked themselves “what if we do something that’s never been done before?”

10 athletes, 6 days, 2.5miles of gravel, dirt and pavement, custom rooms to relax and recharge, and endless photo opportunities.

It’s like a mashup of a fashion runway and a trail race, and I mean that in the best possible way.