By Mathias Eichler
Olympia Trailfest
March 14-16, 2025 - Join us in Olympia to celebrate trail running. Race LBA and enjoy the Trail Running Film Festival at the Capitol Theater... and so much more.
Olympia Trailfest
March 14-16, 2025 - Join us in Olympia to celebrate trail running. Race LBA and enjoy the Trail Running Film Festival at the Capitol Theater... and so much more.
Via Chamonix-based mountain guide Mark Seaton and translated from French:
Hello everyone, The union informs you that given the current conditions in high assembly and the rising temperatures to come, the Chamonix Guide Company has taken the decision to temporarily suspend the ascent of Mont Blanc by the normal route of the Goƻter. This decision takes effect today, and until further notice. This decision will be reviewed in light of changing conditions.
Friendly, The union team
For as long as we can remember, we’ve been able to escape ‘the real world’ into the mountains. But our real world has utterly destroyed our planet and our paradise, the place we felt safe is under serious threat. How long until mountain adventures/vacations/races are under so much threat that they don’t become fun anymore. Too much uncertainty, too many dangers and variables to consider to safely sign up, book tickets, reserve huts. This might sound like doomsday, but I’m very unsettled by all this. Very.
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