America's only certified Skyrace course. Race Beast of Big Creek on Mt. Ellinor in Hoodsport, WA on Aug 3rd, 2024.

America's only certified Skyrace course. Race Beast of Big Creek on Mt. Ellinor in Hoodsport, WA on Aug 3rd, 2024.

Steve House reflects on what it means to “climb mountains”:

No mountain has ever been climbed. Those steps, those handholds, those ice axes are the foundations upon which we lift ourselves—and one another—up. Not above others, not even above our past selves. We go to meet ourselves. Our true selves. The mountain truly is an analogue to ourselves.

What a great way to start into the new year, start planning adventure, register for races, begin the journey anew while never really having stopped. We move forward until there’s no movement left in us. Until then, we dream, we explore, we breathe, we live. Onwards to another year around the sun.