By Mathias Eichler
The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.
The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.
The team behind the film project about Michelino Sunseri’s Grant Teton FKT attempt Connor Burkesmith and Alex Rienzie just released a first trailer and website accompanying their project that’s still held upon court:
We still hope for a more reasonable resolution, and mailed copies of the Free Michelino petition, comments and signatures to NPS Chief of Staff Susan Farinelli, Deputy Director Frank Lands, Intermountain Regional Director Kate Hammond and Grand Teton Superintendent Chip Jenkins, plus the Acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Wyoming Stephanie Sprecher. As of yet, appeals to drop charges in lieu of a civil compromise plus community volunteer effort to improve signage and revegetate the trail have fallen on deaf ears.
Go watch the trailer to get a taste of the story that has turned into so much more than just a run up a mountain, for better or worse.
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