The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

I am super excited about this brand new “By UTMB” race. It’s in a terrific location, feels very ‘were I grew up” and therefore is totally on my list of races I want to run one of these years (okay maybe next year_… except that my attendance wouldn’t help these sad sad gender split numbers:

  • UTDC (175km) Starters: 518, DNF: 148, Finishers: 370 – 23 women 6%.
  • UTDP (109km) Starters: 849, DNF: 123, Finishers: 726 – 79 women 11%.
  • TDC (50km) Starters: 1,481, DNF: 39, Finishers: 1,442 – 288 women 20%.
  • TDP (34km) Starters: 1,037, DNF: 7, Finishers: 1,030 – 375 women 36%.

Combined there were 3,568 finishers, 765 were women or just 21%. Not great, not great at all.