Olympia Trailfest
March 14-16, 2025 - Join us in Olympia to celebrate trail running. Race LBA and enjoy the Trail Running Film Festival at the Capitol Theater... and so much more.

Olympia Trailfest
March 14-16, 2025 - Join us in Olympia to celebrate trail running. Race LBA and enjoy the Trail Running Film Festival at the Capitol Theater... and so much more.

Sophie Power, founder of SheRaces, who we featured before, has the scoop:

Though it still isn’t in the terms and conditions, or on the website. There hasn’t been an announcement. But UTMB as an organisation have confirmed to me that women will have the opportunity to defer their places for up to 2 years – if only we can raise awareness to let them know to ask!

Baby steps, but moving in the right direction.