America's only certified Skyrace course. Race Beast of Big Creek on Mt. Ellinor in Hoodsport, WA on Aug 3rd, 2024.

America's only certified Skyrace course. Race Beast of Big Creek on Mt. Ellinor in Hoodsport, WA on Aug 3rd, 2024.

Ultrarunning History has a great post debunking some of the popular stories floating around about this iconic race.

Davy Crockett writes:

With such a rich and long history that has been told and retold over the years, it is not surprising that folklore has crept in, and historic errors introduced by mistake or on purpose, making the legend of Western States and its origin story even more compelling.

Myth #8: Gordy Ainsleigh was the first to cover the Western States Trail Ride on foot during the Western States Trail Ride.

Myth #13: Western States is the world’s first 100-mile trail race.

And my favorite is that the course wasn’t 100 miles until 1985.

Read this post and show off on your next group run.