The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

The Trail Running Film Festival presented by Brooks -
Back on Tour for 2025.

Every trail runner knows of the (in)famous Instagram meme account ‘Yaboyscottjurek‘. And while I don’t follow them I can’t help getting their posts shoved into my feed by the algorithm and by eager trail friends of mine who connect with their posts (“funny, cause it’s true”). I’m not a hater, some/most of their content is well done, quite elaborate, and funny. Today though they posted a dress down of the Skyrunner World Series which apparently ‘copied/stole’ one of their memes. I couldn’t find the post, probably already taken down. I’m not here to pass judgment if it’s okay to copy someone’s work, you know how I feel about someone stealing the name of your podcast. But what this kerfuffle made think of is that we still don’t know who is behind that account. UltraSignup once tried to investigate but got caught being mislead and they ended up having to remove their article. I’m old school, and while I understand that there are benefits to the anonymity on the internet in certain situations in this case I think it’s not necessarily helping the account creator and also not our community. Sure, the account posts funny stuff and the fun they poke at brands or individuals is mostly acceptable. I haven’t seen too much tasteless stuff, but am also not paying too close attention. But is it a good thing that we have an account regularly being the talk of the town when no one knows who the person behind it is? My general take is that transparency is a good thing. And if we don’t like it when corporations hide behind anonymous communications should we be okay with it in this scenario?

“Ah, chill out man, it’s just a funny meme account.”

Fine, you’re right, I’m taking this probably way to serious. But! Why hasn’t it been uncovered who the person/people are behind this account? It can’t be that hard.

PS: Whining when someone uses your stuff when your entire shtick is to use movie clips, images, and products that other people created to make jokes is just *chef’s kiss*.